One Year Later

December 31, 2012

Tomorrow is a new year. If everything had gone according to my plan this would be the year I would graduate from college, move out, get a big girl job, and essentially start life. Instead everything changed when, exactly one year ago, I walked through the gates of Noel for the first time, and that so called plan was tossed right out the window. 

In the last year I went on my first missions trip, chopped my hair off, got pied in the face, lead my first bible study, and was a youth leader. I went skydiving, bungee jumping, white water rafting, and on a safari. I traveled to Rwanda, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Kenya. I moved to another continent, became a mom, and started a business. 2012 has been filled with more growth, hardships, tears, joy, love, and fulfillment then I ever thought possible. I really feel like I lived life. And not because of all the things I got to do, but because this year I followed God with my whole heart. I thank God for His plans and for all the ups and downs this year of obedience has brought. I am ready for another year of living.

Last year

This year

Well that was a mistake...

December 28, 2012

Do you want to hear a story about how little I pay attention to detail?

Today was the day I was finally going to order His Imbaraga's stamp. I was trying to figure what size(s) I would need to order so naturally I was looking at the logo itself. And that's when I saw it. After I stared at it many times, showed it to everyone, and made it our facebook pages profile picture. The bible verse said 2 Corinthians 2:19. That is not our verse. Our verse is 2 Corinthians 12:9. I had actually managed to tell our logo designer, several times via email mind you, the wrong verse, and then not notice it for 18 days. 

Thought: Stupid stupid stupid

Then I emailed Melanie, our logo designer, asking for forgiveness for my stupidity and to see if she could fix it. 

After I got that out of the way I decided to look up what that verse actually said. 

 First I looked up 1 Corinthians 2:9

"However, as it is written: 'What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived'- the things God has prepared for those who love Him." 

Thought: Wow, I typed it in wrong again.

Then I looked up 2 Corinthians 2:9

"Another reason I wrote you was to see if you would stand the test and be obedient in everything." 

Thought: That's not right either! There is seriously something the matter with me.

Finally I looked up 2 Corinthians 2:19 


Thought: How many people saw the mistake but didn't say anything?

Bye America, Hello Rwanda

December 27, 2012

My time in the states flew by. With every passing day my mixed feelings about returning to Rwanda grew. I missed everyone in Rwanda, but when I’m in Rwanda I miss everyone in the states. It’s not exactly convenient having your heart in two places. 
When the day came for me to board the plane, I’ll be honest, I didn’t want to get on it. I’m not a crier, but suddenly I became that girl. You know, that girl that cries in the middle of the airport making everyone else around her incredibly uncomfortable? Yeah, that was me. When I was actually on the plane I was imagining telling screaming at everyone that I had to get off, and running to do so. I decided against it though, you know, to avoid the whole security threat thing, and instead buckled up and tried my darnedest not to cry again. 
Now that I'm back in Rwanda I am happy to report all those not-so-fuzzy-feelings are gone. On the 3 hour bus ride home to Gisenyi, looking out the window, I was reminded of why I'm here. I have a purpose here and because of that I am best self here. So while I already miss everyone back in the states, I am not only confident this is where I am supposed to be, but I am happy to be here.