That Wrok and Travel Flow
July 29, 2015
Well it is official, I am a workin' gal. Now I've worked before, but this is the big leagues. Like -went to Raleigh for training, got certified in a few different things, shadowed other employees- kind of serious big leagues. And it's all thanks to finally getting that degree that caused me years and year of headaches, late nights, and a few tears. But we're not going to think about that, only happy thoughts today.
Now, because I work for an organization that's opened 24 hours, 365 days of the year, my schedule isn't a normal 9-5 M-F deal. But because of this, I have already started to be more intentional with my time off.
In the next 6 months I am planning on traveling to: Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Tampa, New York, and......
Everyone spends their hard earned dollars and time on different things. Over these last few years traveling has become so important to me, and while I'm still unwed, with 0 kidos, I've decided to make it a priority.
If you have any tips/advice on things to see and do in any of the places I'm headed please let me know. Also, if you have any tips/advice on how to snag cheap flights, you'll probably be my new best friend.
And now I'm off to make cheapo spaghetti while day-dreaming about Paris.
Au Revoir
Instagram Roundup
July 17, 2015
You can find me on instagram here
On July 1st I joined in on my first instagram challenge
Helene is the wiz kid behind the whole thing
While at first I wasn't too sure about the idea
17 days later I'm convinced these challenges are awesome
I have already found so many "friends" to obsess over
If you're looking for a little instagram-spiration join in!
You'll just be fashionably late and everyone will be jealous
That One Time Birth Control Made Me Crazy
July 8, 2015
There we were, sitting on the couch, partially watching, but also enjoying, Channing Tatum's sweet dance moves and the ridiculousness of Matthew Mcconaughey, when suddenly I was overcome with this need to do something. Vince has been working some pretty crazy hours - like 12 hours a day, 6 days a week kind of crazy - so when Saturday night rolled around he understandably wanted to stay at home, relax, and go to bed early.
To a sane person.
I started whining.
"Lets do something."
"Entertain me."
"I'm so bored."
"Why don't you love me?!"
I had no idea what I actually wanted to do. It was 10:30 PM in North Carolina - there wasn't anything to do. I had no suggestions, but fully expected Vince to accommodate my boredom. And when he couldn't?
The first stage is pretending like everything is dandy, but the key is to not act like everything is dandy. Aka being as passive aggressive as possible.
The second stage is the silent treatment. I'm really good at this.
The third stage is anger. You can get creative here.
The final stage?
Crying uncontrollably for absolutely no reason.
Poor Vince. He did his best to console me/sedate me with a nice back scratch and the reassurance he still loved me. Naturally, I didn't believe him, and instead went to bed a snotty mess convinced life was just going to be crappy from then on.
The next day I woke-up in a fog. The full on crazy train that occurred the night before slowly started coming back to me. I headed over to Vince's to sheepishly apologize and thank him for being the best-most-sane-boyfriend there ever was. He graciously forgave me (because he's one of those sane understanding people) and all was right in the world.
.....Until next month.
Weekend Recap
July 7, 2015
I have
officially been a North Carolina resident for a month now, but
until this last weekend I really hadn't explored much. Too be fare,
where I live there really isn't anywhere to explore, but there is
a lovely little town just over an hour away that I was wanting to check
out. Lucky for me that happened to be where Vince's parents were
staying for 4th of July weekend, and I just happened to be invited to
crash their family get together.
On the first day the weather wasn't cooperating so we all decided to
spend the day exploring downtown Wilmington instead of
hitting up the beach. Our first stop was food of course. We hit up Chops
Deli, where we actually got to meet Chop himself. Not taking into
account our celebrity spotting, the food was awesome and I would
absolutely recommend if you ever find yourself in the area.
The Battleship was a huge, hot, maze. As soon as we went below deck I knew I would never make it in the navy. Ever heard of this little thing called claustrophobia? No sir.
That night we decided leaving the hotel for dinner just wasn't in the cards, so he hit up the hotel restaurant instead where I discovered a new found love of blueberry mojito's *insert heart-eyes emoji here. Unfortunately I didn't actually order this drink, I just took a sip of someone else, but next time it's happening.
It was a wonderful weekend spent enjoying the company of some pretty fantastic people, exploring a new city, and eating loads of ice cream.
*I apologize in advance for the iPhone quality photos. Note to self - This is what you get when you're lazy and don't look for your camera.
Drooling a little just looking at this photo
I literally told Vince the day before this photo was taken that I was so proud my cheapest pair of sunglasses, RonDon's from Tanzania, have lasted me the longest.
I promise, I do actually like him
And Scout? Well, I think he had a pretty great weekend too.
Whats your favorite summer drink?
What did you do over 4th of July weekend?
Could you survive on a ship without passing out?
Happy 4th of July!
July 3, 2015
We're starting our holiday weekend a little early this week. I hope you all have a ball celebrating our independence!
Currently in July
July 2, 2015
Appreciating that I am dating a man that lets me order a cheese pizza every Friday night. That's true love.
Reading (almost) The Husbands Secret by Liane Moriarty, One Plus One, and The Last Letter from Your Lover by Jojo Moyes. I just purchased all three and am ready to lay out at the beach and get lost in these fictional worlds.
Craving nothing. I have been super weird about food the last few months. More on that later.
Watching Gilmore Girls (again) and learning a lot.
Going to Wilmington for the weekend. I already have 7 antique stores and 3 dessert places picked out for my visit. It's going to be a grand time.
Planning on getting a lot of DIY projects done this month.
Planning on getting a lot of DIY projects done this month.
Eating PB&J's. Everyday. I feel like I'm back in high school. And I don't mind it.
Dreaming of traveling somewhere new. This is an always.
Waiting for a pool to magically appear in the backyard. I'm winter white right now. Needs to rectified.
Praying about finding a new church. I'm anxious to get plugged back in again so the search is on!
Sleeping just O.K. The summer heat + my need for a room to be an ice cube to sleep comfortably don't really mix.
Working on getting a job. See what I did there? Fingers crossed it happens this month.
Loving eating dinner every night with this guy I know.
Thankful for a pretty awesome support system.
What are currently up to?
What are currently up to?
Serving While Single
July 1, 2015
So four months later when I moved to Rwanda I moved with the assumption I would remain single, and honestly, I was more than OK with that. In fact, I took advantage of it. I grew closer to God, I had crazy adventures, I struggled, I figured things out, I grew up, and it was all kinds of wonderful and hard. Taking that time to work on myself, to make Christ the true center of my life, and figure out what I wanted made everything almost easier when it came time to start dating again.
In such a short amount of time I went on my first missions trip, chopped my hair off, got pied in the face, lead my first bible study, and was a youth leader. went skydiving, bungee jumping, white water rafting, and on a safari. I traveled to Rwanda, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Kenya. I moved to another continent, became a pseudo mom to my sweet boy in orphanage, started a business, and met the man of my dreams. That time was filled with more growth, hardships, tears, joy, love, and fulfillment than I ever thought possible. I really felt like I lived life. And not because of all the things I got to do, but because I followed God with my whole heart. I thank God for His plans and for all the ups, and downs obedience to His will has brought. I would not change a single thing.
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