23 Life Lessons from Gilmore Girls Season 1

The other week I was lucky enough to stumble upon the Gilmore Girls Reunion Panel and then weirdly enough felt the sudden need to watch the whole series again. So I did.

1. Coffee is essential.

2. Happiness usually conicides with sluttiness.

3. But not always.

4. Going commando because you're lacking clean underwear is completely acceptable.


5. It's never a good idea to date your daughters teacher. No matter how good he talks.


6. It's important to clean out your closet every once in awhile. 


7. Shoplifting is completely acceptable as long as you have a good reason.

 8. Fuzzy alarm clocks are not reliable.


9. It's OK to embrace your need for T.V. and movies.

10. Inviting a boy over to watch a movie requires actual effort. Plan accordingly. 

11. It's important to find friends that share common interests.

12. Unless you want your shirts stretched out only loan them to smaller chested friends.


13. A set of twins marrying another set of twins just shouldn't happen.


14.  Deer don't abide by the rules of the road.


15. Avoiding the phone is A.O.K. even if it's your job.


16. It's important to wallow.


17. You should have a break-up box because you never know when you might get back together with them.


18. When you love someone tell them.

19. And if said boy really loves you he'll build you a car from scratch.

20. Even in your 50's your mother-in-law can still drive you to insanity 

21. Bad days happen to the best of us.


 22. Always be BFF's with a chef. The benefits are endless.


23. And finally every girls should get 1,000 flowers at least once in her lifetime.


*Season 2 life lessons coming soon

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