I wish teleporters were real

Kind of chose the worst time to re-enter the blogging world didn't I? But I have officially driven from Texas to Pensacola where I watched the boy graduate and realized the boy doesn't know how to pack, to South Carolina where my hatred for driving in the rain only grew deeper and I slept like a baby on a recliner, to North Carolina where I realized I had mom goggles on when it came to Scout, to Missouri where I got to introduce the boy to crazy Holst clan for the first time, back to North Carolina where I had my very first interview at my dream job and decided to be a hermit for a few days to recuperate. I'm exhausted just typing that all out. Sooo, I'm going to take this weekend to bond with my bed a bit more and then I'll be back at it on Monday. Have a great weekend!

Any exciting plans this weekend?
Where are you traveling to this summer?

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